Source code for waveline.linwave

Module for linWave device.

All device-related functions are exposed by the `LinWave` class.

import asyncio
import logging
import socket
import time
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import wraps
from typing import AsyncIterator, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from ._common import (
from .datatypes import AERecord, Info, Setup, Status, TRRecord

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _ChannelSettings:
    """Channel settings."""

    range_index: int  #: Input range index
    decimation: int  #: Decimation factor

def _require_connected(func):
    def check(obj: "LinWave"):
        if not obj.connected:
            raise ValueError("Device not connected")

    async def async_wrapper(self: "LinWave", *args, **kwargs):
        return await func(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def sync_wrapper(self: "LinWave", *args, **kwargs):
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

    if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
        return async_wrapper
    return sync_wrapper

def _channel_str(channel: int) -> str:
    if channel == 0:
        return "all channels"
    return f"channel {channel:d}"

[docs] class LinWave: """ Interface for linWave device. The device is controlled via TCP/IP: - Control port: 5432 - Streaming ports: 5433 for channel 1 and 5434 for channel 2 The interface is asynchronous and using `asyncio` for TCP/IP communication. This is especially beneficial for this kind of streaming applications, where most of the time the app is waiting for more data packets (`read more <>`_). Please refer to the examples for implementation details. """ CHANNELS = (1, 2) #: Available channels MAX_SAMPLERATE = 10_000_000 #: Maximum sampling rate in Hz PORT = 5432 #: Control port number RANGES = (0.05, 5.0) _DEFAULT_SETTINGS = _ChannelSettings(range_index=0, decimation=1) #: Default settings _RANGE_INDEX: ClassVar[Dict[float, int]] = { 0.05: 0, # 50 mV 5.0: 1, # 5 V } #: Mapping of range in volts and range index _MIN_FIRMWARE_VERSION = "2.2"
[docs] def __init__(self, address: str): """ Initialize device. Args: address: IP address of device. Use the method `discover` to get IP addresses of available linWave devices. Returns: Instance of `LinWave` Example: There are two ways constructing and using the `LinWave` class: 1. Without context manager, manually calling the `connect` and `close` method: >>> async def main(): >>> lw = waveline.LinWave("") >>> await lw.connect() >>> print(await lw.get_info()) >>> ... >>> await lw.close() >>> 2. Using the async context manager: >>> async def main(): >>> async with waveline.LinWave("") as lw: >>> print(await lw.get_info()) >>> ... >>> """ self._address = address self._reader: Optional[asyncio.StreamReader] = None self._writer: Optional[asyncio.StreamWriter] = None self._connected = False self._recording = False self._channel_settings = { channel: copy(self._DEFAULT_SETTINGS) for channel in self.CHANNELS # return copy } # wait for stream connections before start acq self._stream_connection_tasks: Set[asyncio.Task] = set() self._adc_to_volts = [1.5625e-06, 0.00015625] # defaults, update after connect
def __del__(self): if self._writer: self._writer.close() async def __aenter__(self): await self.connect() return self async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs): await self.close()
[docs] @classmethod def discover(cls, timeout: float = 0.5) -> List[str]: """ Discover linWave devices in network. Args: timeout: Timeout in seconds Returns: List of IP adresses """ message = b"find" host = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.bind((host, 0)) # random port for client sock.sendto(message, ("<broadcast>", cls.PORT)) def get_response(timeout=timeout): sock.settimeout(timeout) try: while True: _, (ip, _) = sock.recvfrom(1024) yield ip except socket.timeout: return ip_addresses = list(get_response()) if host in ip_addresses: ip_addresses.remove(host) return sorted(ip_addresses)
@property def connected(self) -> bool: """Check if connected to device.""" return self._connected
[docs] async def connect(self): """Connect to device.""" if self.connected: return"Open connection %s:%d", self._address, self.PORT) self._reader, self._writer = await asyncio.open_connection(self._address, self.PORT) self._connected = True info = await self.get_info() _check_firmware_version(info.firmware_version, self._MIN_FIRMWARE_VERSION, base=10) self._adc_to_volts = info.adc_to_volts"Set default settings") await self.set_range_index(0, self._DEFAULT_SETTINGS.range_index) await self.set_tr_decimation(0, self._DEFAULT_SETTINGS.decimation)
[docs] async def close(self): """Close connection.""" if not self.connected: return if self._recording: await self.stop_acquisition()"Close connection %s:%d", self._address, self.PORT) try: self._writer.close() await self._writer.wait_closed() # new in 3.7 -> might raise AttributeError except AttributeError: pass finally: self._connected = False
@_require_connected async def _send_command(self, command): command_bytes = command.encode("utf-8") + b"\n" # str -> bytes logger.debug("Send command: %a", command_bytes) self._writer.write(command_bytes) await self._writer.drain() @_require_connected async def _readline(self, timeout_seconds: Optional[float] = None) -> bytes: return await asyncio.wait_for( self._reader.readline(), # type: ignore timeout=timeout_seconds, ) @_require_connected async def _readlines( self, return_emptyline: bool = True, ) -> List[bytes]: lines: List[bytes] = [] try: while True: # long timeout (1000 ms) for first line, then short timeouts (100 ms) timeout_seconds = 1.0 if not lines else 0.1 line = await asyncio.wait_for( self._reader.readline(), # type: ignore timeout=timeout_seconds, ) lines.append(line) if return_emptyline and line == b"\n": break except (TimeoutError, asyncio.TimeoutError): ... return lines
[docs] @_require_connected async def identify(self, channel: int = 0): """ Blink LEDs to identify device or single channel. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all to identify device) Note: Available since firmware version 2.10. """ self._check_channel_number(channel, allow_all=True) await self._send_command(f"identify @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def get_info(self) -> Info: """Get device information.""" await self._send_command("get_info") lines = await self._readlines() if not lines: raise RuntimeError("Could not get device information") info = _parse_get_info_output(lines) if not info.input_range: info.input_range = ["50 mV", "5 V"] assert len(info.input_range) == len(info.adc_to_volts) return info
[docs] @_require_connected async def get_status(self) -> Status: """Get status information.""" await self._send_command("get_status") lines = await self._readlines() if not lines: raise RuntimeError("Could not get status") return _parse_get_status_output(lines)
def _check_channel_number(self, channel: int, *, allow_all: bool = True): allowed_channels = (0, *self.CHANNELS) if allow_all else self.CHANNELS if channel not in allowed_channels: raise ValueError( f"Invalid channel number '{channel}'. " f"Select a channel from {allowed_channels} (0: all channels)" )
[docs] @_require_connected async def get_setup(self, channel: int) -> Setup: """ Get setup information. Args: channel: Channel number """ self._check_channel_number(channel, allow_all=False) await self._send_command(f"get_setup @{channel:d}") lines = await self._readlines() if not lines: raise RuntimeError("Could not get setup") return _parse_get_setup_output(lines)
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_range_index(self, channel: int, range_index: int): """ Set input range by index. Retrieve selectable ranges with the `get_info` method. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) range_index: Input range index (0: 0.05 V, 1: 5 V) """ self._check_channel_number(channel)"Set %s range to index %d", _channel_str(channel), range_index) await self._send_command(f"set_adc_range {range_index:d} @{channel:d}") if channel > 0: self._channel_settings[channel].range_index = range_index else: self._channel_settings[1].range_index = range_index self._channel_settings[2].range_index = range_index
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_range(self, channel: int, range_volts: float): """ Set input range. Retrieve selectable ranges with the `get_info` method. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) range_volts: Input range in volts (0.05, 5) Deprecated: Please us the `set_range_index` method instead. """ warn( ( "This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future. " "Please use the set_range_index method instead." ), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self._check_channel_number(channel) try: range_index = self._RANGE_INDEX[range_volts] await self.set_range_index(channel, range_index) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid range. Possible values: {self.RANGES}") from None
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_channel(self, channel: int, enabled: bool): """ Enable/disable channel. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) enabled: Set to `True` to enable channel """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq enabled {int(enabled)} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_continuous_mode(self, channel: int, enabled: bool): """ Enable/disable continuous mode. Threshold will be ignored in continous mode. The length of the records is determined by `ddt` with `set_ddt`. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) enabled: Set to `True` to enable continuous mode """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq cont {int(enabled)} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_ddt(self, channel: int, microseconds: int): """ Set duration discrimination time (DDT). Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) microseconds: DDT in µs """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq ddt {int(microseconds)} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_status_interval(self, channel: int, seconds: int): """ Set status interval. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) seconds: Status interval in s """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq status_interval {int(seconds * 1e3)} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_tr_enabled(self, channel: int, enabled: bool): """ Enable/disable recording of transient data. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) enabled: Set to `True` to enable transient data """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq tr_enabled {int(enabled)} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_tr_decimation(self, channel: int, factor: int): """ Set decimation factor of transient data and streaming data. The sampling rate will be 10 MHz / `factor`. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) factor: Decimation factor """ self._check_channel_number(channel) factor = int(factor) await self._send_command(f"set_acq tr_decimation {factor:d} @{channel:d}") if channel > 0: self._channel_settings[channel].decimation = factor else: self._channel_settings[1].decimation = factor self._channel_settings[2].decimation = factor
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_tr_pretrigger(self, channel: int, samples: int): """ Set pre-trigger samples for transient data. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) samples: Pre-trigger samples """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq tr_pre_trig {int(samples)} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_tr_postduration(self, channel: int, samples: int): """ Set post-duration samples for transient data. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) samples: Post-duration samples """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq tr_post_dur {int(samples)} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_filter( self, channel: int, highpass: Optional[float] = None, lowpass: Optional[float] = None, order: int = 8, ): """ Set IIR filter frequencies and order. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) highpass: Highpass frequency in Hz (`None` to disable highpass filter) lowpass: Lowpass frequency in Hz (`None` to disable lowpass filter) order: Filter order """ self._check_channel_number(channel) def khz_or_none(freq: Optional[float]): return freq / 1e3 if freq is not None else "none" await self._send_command( f"set_filter {khz_or_none(highpass)} {khz_or_none(lowpass)} {order} @{channel:d}" )
[docs] @_require_connected async def set_threshold(self, channel: int, microvolts: float): """ Set threshold for hit-based acquisition. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) microvolts: Threshold in µV """ self._check_channel_number(channel) await self._send_command(f"set_acq thr {microvolts} @{channel:d}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def start_acquisition(self): """Start data acquisition.""" if self._recording: return if self._stream_connection_tasks: logger.debug("Wait for stream connections") await asyncio.wait(self._stream_connection_tasks) self._stream_connection_tasks.clear()"Start data acquisition") await self._send_command("start_acq") self._recording = True
[docs] @_require_connected async def stop_acquisition(self): """Stop data acquisition.""" if not self._recording: return"Stop data acquisition") await self._send_command("stop_acq") self._recording = False
[docs] @_require_connected async def start_pulsing( self, channel: int, interval: float = 1, count: int = 4, cycles: int = 1, ): """ Start pulsing. The number of pulses should be even, because pulses are generated by a square-wave signal (between LOW and HIGH) and the pulse signal should end LOW. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) interval: Interval between pulses in seconds count: Number of pulses per channel (should be even), 0 for infinite pulses cycles: Number of pulse cycles (automatically pulse through each channel in cycles). Only useful if all channels are chosen. """ self._check_channel_number(channel) if count % 2 != 0: warn("Number of pulse counts should be even", stacklevel=1) "Start pulsing on %s (interval: %f s, count: %d, cycles: %d)", _channel_str(channel), interval, count, cycles, ) await self._send_command(f"start_pulsing {interval} {count} {cycles} @{channel}")
[docs] @_require_connected async def stop_pulsing(self): """Stop pulsing.""""Stop pulsing") await self._send_command("stop_pulsing")
def _get_adc_to_volts(self, channel: int) -> float: assert channel in self.CHANNELS range_index = self._channel_settings[channel].range_index return self._adc_to_volts[range_index]
[docs] @_require_connected async def get_ae_data(self) -> List[AERecord]: """ Get AE data records. Returns: List of AE data records (either status or hit data) """ await self._send_command("get_ae_data") records = [] while True: line = await self._readline(timeout_seconds=1) if line == b"\n": # last line is an empty new line break record = _parse_ae_headerline(line, self.MAX_SAMPLERATE, self._get_adc_to_volts) if record is not None: records.append(record) return records
async def _read_tr_records(self, raw: bool) -> List[TRRecord]: records = [] while True: headerline = await self._readline(timeout_seconds=1) if headerline == b"\n": # last line is an empty new line break record = _parse_tr_headerline(headerline, self.MAX_SAMPLERATE) = np.frombuffer( await self._reader.readexactly(2 * record.samples), # type: ignore dtype=np.int16, ) record.raw = raw assert len( == record.samples if not raw: adc_to_volts = self._get_adc_to_volts( = np.multiply(, adc_to_volts, dtype=np.float32) records.append(record) return records
[docs] @_require_connected async def get_tr_data(self, raw: bool = False) -> List[TRRecord]: """ Get transient data records. Args: raw: Return TR amplitudes as ADC values if `True`, skip conversion to volts Returns: List of transient data records """ await self._send_command("get_tr_data") return await self._read_tr_records(raw=raw)
[docs] @_require_connected async def get_tr_snapshot( self, channel: int, samples: int, pretrigger_samples: int = 0, *, raw: bool = False ) -> List[TRRecord]: """ Get snapshot of transient data. The recording starts with the execution of the command. The total number of samples is the sum of `samples` and the `pretrigger_samples`. The trai and time of the returned records are always `0`. Args: channel: Channel number (0 for all channels) samples: Number of samples to read pretrigger_samples: Number of samples to read before the execution of the command raw: Return TR amplitudes as ADC values if `True`, skip conversion to volts Returns: List of transient data records """ self._check_channel_number(channel) decimations = {settings.decimation for settings in self._channel_settings.values()} if channel == 0 and len(decimations) > 1: raise ValueError( "TR decimation must be equal for all channels (current limitation of the firmware)" ) assert len(decimations) == 1 decimation = decimations.pop() samplerate = self.MAX_SAMPLERATE / decimation await asyncio.sleep(samples / samplerate) await self._send_command(f"get_tr_snapshot {(samples + pretrigger_samples):d} @{channel:d}") return await self._read_tr_records(raw=raw)
[docs] async def acquire( self, raw: bool = False, poll_interval_seconds: float = 0.05, ) -> AsyncIterator[Union[AERecord, TRRecord]]: """ High-level method to continuously acquire data. Args: raw: Return TR amplitudes as ADC values if `True`, skip conversion to volts poll_interval_seconds: Pause between data polls in seconds Yields: AE and TR data records Example: >>> async with waveline.LinWave("") as lw: >>> # apply settings >>> await lw.set_channel(channel=1, enabled=True) >>> await lw.set_channel(channel=2, enabled=False) >>> await lw.set_range_index(channel=1, range_index=0) # 0: 50 mV >>> async for record in lw.acquire(): >>> # do something with the data depending on the type >>> if isinstance(record, waveline.AERecord): >>> ... >>> if isinstance(record, waveline.TRRecord): >>> ... """ await self.start_acquisition() try: while True: t = time.monotonic() for ae_record in await self.get_ae_data(): yield ae_record for tr_record in await self.get_tr_data(raw=raw): yield tr_record t = time.monotonic() - t # allow other tasks to run, prevent blocking the event loop # await asyncio.sleep(max(0, poll_interval_seconds - t)) finally: await self.stop_acquisition()
[docs] @_require_connected def stream( self, channel: int, blocksize: int, *, raw: bool = False, timeout: Optional[float] = 5, ) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[float, np.ndarray]]: """ Async generator to stream channel data. Args: channel: Channel number [1, 2] blocksize: Number of samples per block raw: Return ADC values if `True`, skip conversion to volts timeout: Timeout in seconds Yields: Tuple of - relative time in seconds (first block: t = 0) - data as numpy array in volts (or ADC values if `raw` is `True`) Raises: TimeoutError: If TCP socket read exceeds `timeout`, usually because of buffer overflows Example: >>> async with waveline.LinWave("") as lw: >>> # apply settings >>> await lw.set_range_index(channel=1, range_index=0) # 0: 50 mV >>> await lw.set_filter(channel=1, highpass=100e3, lowpass=500e3, order=8) >>> # open streaming port before start acq afterwards (order matters!) >>> stream =, blocksize=65536) >>> await lw.start_acquisition() >>> async for time, block in stream: >>> # do something with the data >>> ... """ self._check_channel_number(channel, allow_all=False) settings = self._channel_settings[channel] "Start streaming of channel %d (decimation: %d, blocksize: %d, range: %d)", channel, settings.decimation, blocksize, settings.range_index, ) port = int(self.PORT + channel) blocksize_bytes = int(blocksize * 2) # 1 ADC value (16 bit) -> 2 * 8 byte to_volts = self._adc_to_volts[settings.range_index] interval = settings.decimation * blocksize / self.MAX_SAMPLERATE connection_task = asyncio.ensure_future( asyncio.open_connection( self._address, port, limit=blocksize_bytes, # reduces CPU load by 10-20 % (default: 65536) ), ) self._stream_connection_tasks.add(connection_task) class StreamGenerator: """Generator returning stream data with defined block size.""" def __init__(self): self._time = 0 self._connection_task = connection_task def __aiter__(self): return self async def get_reader_writer(self): if not self._connection_task.done(): await asyncio.wait([self._connection_task]) return self._connection_task.result() async def aclose(self): _, writer = await self.get_reader_writer() writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() async def __anext__(self): reader, _ = await self.get_reader_writer() try: buffer = await asyncio.wait_for( reader.readexactly(blocksize_bytes), timeout=timeout, ) self._time += interval data_adc = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.int16) return ( self._time - interval, data_adc if raw else np.multiply(data_adc, to_volts, dtype=np.float32), ) except asyncio.IncompleteReadError:"Stop streaming on channel %d: EOF reached", channel) raise StopAsyncIteration from None return StreamGenerator()